Education & Internship
2023-2021: MA Information Design (Cum Laude), Design Academy Eindhoven, DAE. (NL)
2021: Internship at Salvatore Vitale’s Studio. (CH)
2020-2016: BA Design and Art, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, UNIBZ. (IT)
2019: Exchange Semester, University of the West of England, UWE Bristol, Graphic Design. (UK)
2016: Venice Academy of Arts, NTA Grafica. (IT)
Teaching & workshops
2024: Three-days skills Workshop on Moving Images, Photography department, Utrecht School of the Arts, HKU. (NL)
2024 - 2025: Tutor of moving images, Graphic Design department, Utrecht School of the Arts, HKU. (NL)
2023: Teaching assistant, Art course (wup), Faculty of Design and Art, UNIBZ. (IT)
2023: Workshop on image-making and storytelling through photogrammetry at Studio Image, UNIBZ. (IT)
Exhibitions & nominations
Group Exhibition The Cut-Out Body, Cinema Parentesi x BASE, TUTTA BASE, Milan, 2024. (IT)
Group Exhibition Short Encounters, SPBH Space, Milan, 2024. (IT)
Nominee Gijs Bakker Award 2023 with the graduation project +1 Day Streak. (NL)
DAE Graduation Show, Heuvel Galerie, Dutch Design Week 2023. (NL)
Group Exhibition The Cut-Out Body, Cinema Parentesi x Onomatopee, DDW 2023. (NL)
Group Exhibition, Ph Museum Days 2023, Bologna. (IT)